Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Scavenger Hunt

On the way to Dene Games this morning, I found a group of kids from Nunavut and Nunavik "harassing" employees at Canada Post, trying to find the Northern Lights...

As my caffeine kicked in, I asked them what they were up to.

SCAVENGER HUNT!!!! Put Northern Lights on the list, and see what the creative young minds come up with.

So I asked Larissa Annahatak (left) and Mary Tagalik about the hunt, and then about the bond between the Nunavik and Nunavut teams. Both speak Inuktitut, just in different dialects. They can communicate no problem, and just use English for the words that don't match up....

I also learned that Inuktitut for "HI" is "HI".... go figure.

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